martes, 12 de enero de 2016


My name is Arantxa. I’m 22 years old. I live in León (Spain).

my father’s name is Abilio, he works as a truck driver. My mother’s name is Belen, she works taking care a two children. I haven’t got any brothers or sisters. I am a single child.
In my free time I usually go to the cinema or go for a walk with my friends. I also go to my village where my grandmother live.
My favourite style of music is pop, but I also like others types of music, for example Rock music.
I enjoy practising, in the evenings I go running in my village.
I am a bit short and thin. I have long dark hair. My eyes are brown and my nose is small.
I am an honest person and always try to tell the truth. I consider myself a good person because I help other people when they need me. A part for that I am sociable, easy-going and I love going out with my friends whenever I can.
I am studying a degree to become primary teacher. I like it because I love children, I also like helping them to learn.

I hope I will be a good teacher in the future. Above all, I will try to help children with special needs.

And know I´m going to tell you about me, the other girl that make this blog.

My name is Gayané. I'm 19 years old. I'm from Armenia but I live in León

Spain)  for 16 years.

My favourite music group is One Direction, I love pop music.

In my free time I go to the gym, to the cinema…

I go out with my friends every week on Fridays and Saturdays. I speak 4 languages : Spanish, English, French and Armenian. I also know a little bit Russian.

I have brown eyes,dark and long hair and I´m small. I'm considering a good person, I´m very nice, and funny, I´m a kind person, sociable and charming but I also have a lot of imperfections. For example I´m very negative person.

I would like to teaching English because I love it and it´s my favourite language.

I would like to go to UK, London for example because is one of my favourite place. I would like to be also in USA , especially in New York because is a daydream city

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