martes, 12 de enero de 2016


My name is Arantxa. I’m 22 years old. I live in León (Spain).

my father’s name is Abilio, he works as a truck driver. My mother’s name is Belen, she works taking care a two children. I haven’t got any brothers or sisters. I am a single child.
In my free time I usually go to the cinema or go for a walk with my friends. I also go to my village where my grandmother live.
My favourite style of music is pop, but I also like others types of music, for example Rock music.
I enjoy practising, in the evenings I go running in my village.
I am a bit short and thin. I have long dark hair. My eyes are brown and my nose is small.
I am an honest person and always try to tell the truth. I consider myself a good person because I help other people when they need me. A part for that I am sociable, easy-going and I love going out with my friends whenever I can.
I am studying a degree to become primary teacher. I like it because I love children, I also like helping them to learn.

I hope I will be a good teacher in the future. Above all, I will try to help children with special needs.

And know I´m going to tell you about me, the other girl that make this blog.

My name is Gayané. I'm 19 years old. I'm from Armenia but I live in León

Spain)  for 16 years.

My favourite music group is One Direction, I love pop music.

In my free time I go to the gym, to the cinema…

I go out with my friends every week on Fridays and Saturdays. I speak 4 languages : Spanish, English, French and Armenian. I also know a little bit Russian.

I have brown eyes,dark and long hair and I´m small. I'm considering a good person, I´m very nice, and funny, I´m a kind person, sociable and charming but I also have a lot of imperfections. For example I´m very negative person.

I would like to teaching English because I love it and it´s my favourite language.

I would like to go to UK, London for example because is one of my favourite place. I would like to be also in USA , especially in New York because is a daydream city

My trip to SWANAGE (UK)

My trip to Swanage (UK)

Two years ago I went to Swanage, near London (UK).

Swanage is a beautiful place. It´s a village in the south cost in UK. We chose to go there because I like the cost and there is a school to learn English with people of all countries of the world (Brazilians, Japanese, Argentine, Mexican and German and other nationalities)

The name of the School is Harrow House

Harrow House has a residence for students but my parents wanted to go to a house because they think that in a house I learn more English.
The family was great; they prepared me a very comfortable room. The man cooked very well. His food was incredible. The food I liked most was fish and chips. This food is a typical dish of the area and they sold in all restaurants there.
Every morning we went to class, the teacher was very friendly. She helps me very much with the language. She also made it very fun classes.

In the evenings we had exrcursions and activities in groups. My favourite activity was jumping of the rocks into the sea.
One day, we went to London, and we sighseeing. We saw the Big Ben and we also saw Buckingham palace. In London also had a very beautiful park. I really noticed that the park had no sources.

Other day, we went to another village but I don´t remember the name. but I remember that the village was beautiful.

I remember that trip as something increible. I made very good friends there.

Nowadays I have contact with the girls of Japan. Her names are Miyu and Kayou.

The next excursion was to stonehenge.Personally I love the story about it. The story we told a guide and I found it very interesting how the stones got there.
In conclusion, Swange is a beautiful place, I recommend you go because is wonderful and you will not get bored.

domingo, 10 de enero de 2016

My trip to DUBLIN

Five years ago I went to Dublin with my classmates. We were there five days, in my opinion very little time.
When we arrived, people with whom we stayed in their house were waiting.
I was with a classmate at home of a women and her daughter.
The first day we went to a class in an academy of English, but my friend and me don`t know nothing of there and we lost.  Then my teacher call us and we tell what we see where we were and she went to search.
In the following days we were doing excursions after school.
If I remember correctly, in the picture bellow we were in Trinity College.

We went to many museums, for example :

We went to a factory Guinness, we prove that beer and I don’t like it. We were watching the entire factory.  It`s incredible. The roof has lovely views.

Other excursions were:
In this pub we had a beer, and I think that the beer was very expensive.

The worst of the city was the weather. We went there for five days and all days rained.
The food was fantastic, I like very much the breakfast, the woman preparing us the breakfast, we had chocolate milk, toast whit nutella and cereals. Then she was preparing lunch and we always dinner  fast food for example in McDonalds.
The most surprising thing was that we were going to sleep at time. At 9 o´clock we had to be in house at 9 o´clock. 
The last day, the teacher left us free time and my friends and I went shopping , we also took a tour by bus around Dublin.
By last ,we prepare our bags and we take the bus and then we went to airport.

My trip to STRASBOURG ( France )

Strasbourg is a city in France in the province of Alsace.

I went there last summer for a month and 2 years ago at Christmas.
Strasbourg is a very beautiful city that has a lot of monuments and important places for example the Parlament.
I´m going to show you different photos of my trip.

In the background of this photo you can see a church whose name is Saint Paul.

This is ¨ Le Petite France¨ that is a quarter of Strasbourg.
When we went to Strasbourg we also went to one of the most popular theme parks of Europe whose name is ¨Europa Park¨ that is in Germany , ubicated between Freiburg and Strasbourg.

Other things that you can see in Strasbourg is their amazing cathedral. Its height is 144 m, its awesome.

I also visited the European Parlament that is a very important place for Strasbourg because all politicians of the European Union go there.

I can´t tell you anything about their food because I don´t taste anything. I only eat the food of my country.
In general Strasbourg is a great city but in my opinion a little bored because all shops closed at 7 o´clock and people go to their homes at this time.
You can´t go by walk to places because it´s a very big city and you must take the tram.
If you´d like to visit this city I  recommend you at Chistmas because it´s very very beautiful. All Strasbourg is decorated with things of Christmas.
 I recommend this city because I like it , and you can practise the French and meet other people.

miércoles, 6 de enero de 2016


My trip to EREVAN ( Armenia)

The last time that I went to Armenia was in 2013.
Armenia is a country in South Caucasus and landlocked sea. It borders Turkey to the west, Georgia to the north, Azerbaijan to the east and south by Iran and Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan.

Armenia was a Soviet republic, a unitary state , multiparty and a democratization process that has its roots in one of the oldest  civilizations in the world.
 Erevan is the capital of Armenia as well as the largest city of this  country.

 I went to Erevan every time that I go to Armenia because I love this city.
Actually I ´m from a little village whose name is Arax, in the province of Armavir.
The last time that I went to Erevan I visited the History Museum of Armenia,that is a museum in Armenia with department of Archaelogy, Numismatics, Ethnography, Modern History and Restoration. It has a national collection of 400,000 objects and was founded in 1920.

I also went to the Lovers´ Park that is a public  park in the centre of the city that has a beautiful views.

My favourite place of Erevan is the cathedral Surb Grigor Lusavorich Yekeghetsi Mayr, also known as Cathedral of Saint Gregory the Illusiminator, is the main temple of the Armenian Apostolic Church. 

One of the famous places is Erevan´s Opera. You can see different concerts ,performances and Ballet dances. 

Other important monument is Tzitzernakaberd that is a monument dedicated to all the victims of the Armenian genocide in 1915.  When I came here I always bring flowers to the victims. 

Armenia doesn´t have sea but it has a lake where all people go there to swim. This lake called Sevan.
Now I´ll show you some pics of me when I went there.

My favourite thing of Armenia is obviously the food, you can´t leave Armenia without taste their delicious food.
One of my favourites typical food are called ¨Tolma¨ and ¨Khinkali¨.
Tolma is made with grape leaf stuffed with rice with onions, mince meat and different spices.

Khinkali is pasta stuffed with meat,

This are little things about my country. Hope you like it :) 
Now I´m going to show you a video about my country Armenia.

I´m sure that if you went there, you´d enjoy a lot!